
Provide high quality analytical services with reliable and timely results that allow demonstrating the conformity of the products with the physicochemical specifications of the official standards applicable to the alcoholic beverage industry.


  • Tequila analysis, drinks prepared with tequila (liqueurs, creams, cocktails, prepared drinks).
  • Alcoholic beverages analysis such as: Mezcal, Bacanora, Charanda, Whiskey, Rum, Brandy, among others.
  • Sugars in alcoholic beverages analysis, food and raw materials (agave, sugar, among others).
  • Issuance of reports in English to facilitate exports to different countries.
  • Support to Authorities or agencies such as: SSA, PGR, PGJ, PROFECO with the alcoholic beverages analysis.

Alcoholic beverages are normally analyzed according to the Official Mexican Standards such as NOM-142-SSA1, NOM-006-SCFI, NOM-070-SCFI, NOM-168- SCFI or according to Mexican standards such as NMX- V-001-NORMEX, NMX-V002-NORMEX according to your needs; so the following is suggested:


Alcoholic Beverages (NOM-142-SSA1) and Alcoholic Beverages with Tequila (NMX-V-049-NORMEX)
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1, 2 y 3 Alcoholic Content at 20 ºC (% ALCOHOL (ALC) BY VOLUME (VOL)”) NMX-V-013- NORMEX-2019 Digital Densimeter Method  $1,350.00 MXN  $3,528.00 MXN
1, 2 y 3 Aldehydes, methanol, higher alcohols NMX-V-005- NORMEX-2018 Gas Cromatography Method
1, 2 y 3 Furfural NMX-V-004- NORMEX-2018 Liquid Cromatography Method
     $1,350.00 MXN  $3,528.00 MXN
Alcoholic Beverage: Tequila (NOM-006-SCFI)
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1, 2 y 3 Alcoholic Content at 20 ºC (% ALCOHOL (ALC) BY VOLUME (VOL)”) NMX-V-017- NORMEX-2018 Gravimetric Method  $1,350.00 MXN  $3,969.00 MXN
1 y 3 Dry Extract NMX-V-017- NORMEX-2018 Gravimetric Method
1, 2 y 3 Aldehydes, methanol, esters, higher alcohols NMX-V-005- NORMEX-2018 Gas Cromatography Method
1, 2 y 3 Furfural NMX-V-004- NORMEX-2018 Liquid Cromatography Method
1 y 3 Sugars NMX-V-006- NORMEX-2019 High Resolution Liquid Chromatography Method.
     $1,350.00 MXN  $3,969.00 MXN
If you do not require sugars or total reducing sugars (ART), the cost for customers is $3,528.00MXN
Alcoholic Beverage: Mezcal (NOM-070-SCFI)
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1, 2 y 3 Alcoholic Content at 20 ºC (% ALCOHOL (ALC) BY VOLUME (VOL)”) NMX-V-013- NORMEX-2019 Digital Densimeter Method  $1,350.00 MXN  $3,528.00 MXN
1 y 3 Dry Extract NMX-V-017- NORMEX-2018 Gravimetric Method
1, 2 y 3 Aldehydes, methanol, higher alcohols NMX-V-005- NORMEX-2018 Gas Cromatography Method
1, 2 y 3 Furfural NMX-V-004- NORMEX-2018 Liquid Cromatography Method
1 y 3 Arsenic NMX-V-050- NORMEX-2010 Atomic Absorption Method  $200.00 MXN  $250.00 MXN
1 y 3 Lead NMX-V-050- NORMEX-2010 Atomic Absorption Method  $200.00 MXN  $250.00 MXN
     $1,750.00 MXN  $4,028.00 MXN
Alcoholic Beverage: Bacanora (NOM-168-SSA1)
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1, 2 y 3 Alcoholic Content at 20 ºC (% ALCOHOL (ALC) BY VOLUME (VOL)”) NMX-V-013- NORMEX-2019 Digital Densimeter Method $1,350.00 MXN $3,528.00 MXN
1 y 3 Dry Extract NMX-V-017- NORMEX-2018 Gravimetric Method
1, 2 y 3 Aldehydes, methanol, higher alcohols NMX-V-005- NORMEX-2018 Gas Cromatography Method
1, 2 y 3 Furfural NMX-V-004- NORMEX-2018 Liquid Cromatography Method
1 y 3 Total Acidity NMX-V-015- NORMEX-2014 Volumetric Method $500.00 MXN
1 y 2 Arsenic NOM-117-SSA1-1994 Atomic Absorption Method $160.00 MXN $250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Copper $200.00 MXN $200.00 MXN
1 y 2 Lead $200.00 MXN $250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Zinc $160.00 MXN $200.00 MXN
     $2,070.00 MXN  $4,928.00 MXN
Alcoholic Beverage: Sotol (NOM-159-SCFI)
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1, 2 y 3 Alcoholic Content at 20 ºC (% ALCOHOL (ALC) BY VOLUME (VOL)”) NMX-V-013- NORMEX-2019 Digital Densimeter Method $1,350.0 MXN $ 3,528.0 v
1 y 3 Dry Extract NMX-V-017- NORMEX-2018 Gravimetric Method
1, 2 y 3 Aldehydes, methanol, esters, higher alcohols NMX-V-005- NORMEX-2018 Gas Cromatography Method
1, 2 y 3 Furfural NMX-V-004- NORMEX-2018 Liquid Cromatography Method
Alcoholic Beverage: Charanda (NOM-144-SCFI)
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1, 2 y 3 Alcoholic Content at 20 ºC (% ALCOHOL (ALC) BY VOLUME (VOL)”) NMX-V-013- NORMEX-2019 Digital Densimeter Method $1,350.00 MXN $3,969.00 MXN
1 y 3 Dry Extract NMX-V-017- NORMEX-2018 Gravimetric Method
1, 2 y 3 Aldehydes, methanol, higher alcohols NMX-V-005- NORMEX-2018 Gas Cromatography Method
1, 2 y 3 Furfural NMX-V-004- NORMEX-2018 Liquid Cromatography Method
1 y 3 Total Reducing Sugars (ART, by its acronym in Spanish) NMX-V-006- NORMEX-2019 Lane and Eynon Volumetric Method
1 y 3 Total Acidity NMX-V-015- NORMEX-2014 Volumetric Method $500.00 MXN
     $1,350.00 MXN $4,469.00 MXN
If you do not require sugars or total reducing sugars (ART), the cost for customers is $3,528.00 MXN
Alcoholic Beverages: (NOM-199-SCFI/SSA1)
The tests to be carried out and their cost depends on the alcoholic beverage
Raw material and process (Agave, sugar, molasses, musts, inter alia)
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1, 2 y 3 Alcoholic Content at 20 ºC (% ALCOHOL (ALC) BY VOLUME (VOL)”) NMX-V-013- NORMEX-2019 Digital Densimeter Method  $1,350.00 MXN  $1,500.00 MXN
1 y 3 Total Reducing Sugars (ART, by its acronym in Spanish) NMX-V-017- NORMEX-2018 Gravimetric Method
Individual Tests on Alcoholic beverages
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1, 2 y 3 Alcoholic Content at 20 ºC (% ALCOHOL (ALC) BY VOLUME (VOL)”) NMX-V-013- NORMEX-2019 Digital Densimeter Method  $400.00 MXN  $400.00 MXN
1 y 3 Sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) Total Reducing Sugars (ART) NMX-V-006- NORMEX-2019 High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method or Volumetric Method  $1,350.00 MXN  $1,500.00 MXN
1 y 3 Total Acidity NMX-V-015- NORMEX-2014 Volumetric Method  $300.00 MXN  $500.00 MXN
1 y 3 Fixed Acidityfija NMX-V-015- NORMEX-2014 Volumetric Method  $300.00 MXN  $500.00 MXN
1 y 3 Volatile Acidity* NMX-V-015- NORMEX-2014 by Calculations  $600.00 MXN  $1,000.00 MXN
4 Brix degrees / Density Digital Densimeter or Tables  $100.00 MXN  $120.00 MXN
4 pH Potentiometer  $100.00 MXN  $120.00 MXN
4 Turbidity Turbidimeter  $100.00 MXN  $120.00 MXN

Note: For volatile acidity it is necessary to perform Total and Fixed Acidity.

Sample reception
Non-perishable samples (Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
Perishable samples like: Agave, juice or agave must (Monday to Thursday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
Delivery time in working days after the sample has been registered
Members: 2 and 10 days (if additional tests are required)
Customers: maximum 30 days        
1.- Test accredited by the Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA-Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación) according to the letter with accreditation number No. A0085-006/11. Accredited as of 2011-06-03 with the NMX-EC-17025-IMNC-2018 standard (ISO/IEC 17025:2017)
2.- Test authorized by the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS by its acronym in spanish) of the Ministry of Health (SS-Secretaría de Salud). This Laboratory is an Authorized Third Party as a Testing Laboratory with authorization No. TA-20-21, effective from June 4, 2021 to June 4, 2023.
3.- Test approved by the Mexico's General Bureau of Standards (DGN-Dirección General de Normas), with Approval No. A-0085-006/11.
4.- Unaccredited, unauthorized, unapproved test