About CRT
The Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT), A. C., is an inter professional organization comprising all actors and producers, associated with the Tequila production. The aim of the CRT is to promote the culture and quality of this beverage that has gained an important place among the national identity symbols

Impartiality Commitment

The Tequila Regulatory Council consider it essential to carry out its functions with impartiality and transparency so that the decisions made do not affect any of the sectors that make up this agro-industry.

To achieve the above, the policies and procedures established by the CRT to achieve its objectives are documented, clear and precise, and are also known to all those involved in them.

Director General

Quality Policy

The services provided by the Tequila Regulatory Council, must be of the highest technical level, with an exceptional quality of service, based above all on honesty, confidentiality, impartiality, professional ethics and continuous improvement.

The CRT considers it essential to carry out its functions with impartiality and transparency so that the decisions made do not affect any of the sectors that make up the production chain.

To achieve the above, the policies and procedures established by the TRC to achieve its objectives must be documented, clear, precise and known to all those involved in them.

TRC personnel must be fully aware of their functions and responsibilities, obtain the required training, and have the necessary material resources for the proper performance of their activities, the achievement of their objectives, and compliance with the Mexican Standards applicable to the organization (17025, 17020, 17065,14065).

Director General                                                                                                                                                                       Chairperson of the Governing Board.


Accreditations, Approval and Authorizations

Accreditations, Approval and Authorizations

In order to ensure the quality of the product, the TRC has the following Accreditations and Approvals:

Accredited by the Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación, A.C. (EMA for its acronym in Spansh), and approved by the Dirección General de Normas (DGN) as:

Inspection Body
• NOM-006-SCFI-2012
• NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004
• NOM-142-SSA1/SCFI-2014, Apartado 9.

Certification Body
• NOM-006-SCFI-2012
• NMX-V-049-NORMEX-2004

Test Laboratory
• Physicochemicals
• Drinking water
• Microbiology
• Special Services



Authorization as a Third Party Testing Laboratory authorized by the Mexican health regulatory agency (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios “COFEPRIS”) under the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud “SS”).

Certifications Awarded

► Spanish Association for Standardization (Asociación Española de Normalización “AENOR”) on June 22, 1999, with recognition in the IQ net network with more than 25 member countries.

►Association for Standardization and Certification (Asociación de Normalización y Certificación “ANCE”) on July 16,1999.

The CRT has a Quality Assurance system that guarantees the reliability of its services. In June 1999, the CRT obtains the ISO certification. This certification of its international quality system implies for the CRT the permanent commitment to improve its processes and consolidate a change of culture focused on quality.

The CRT does not have profit fines, it is private, and has its own legal personality. Its scope is national and international, where the purpose is to certify compliance with the Official Mexican Tequila Standard.

In order to guarantee the representation of the Tequila sector and transparency in the operation, the CRT integrates Agave producers, Tequila industrialists, bottlers, marketers and government representatives. In a balanced and participatory manner, they help to generate credibility and trust, both within their members and outside the Council.

What we do?


Inspect, certify and analyze with ethics, honesty, transparency, and impartiality compliance with the regulations applicable to Tequila, products that contain it and its raw materials, as well as specifications and quality systems, safeguarding the Appellation of Origin, both in Mexico and abroad creating added value and trust in our partners, clients, collaborators, agencies and government agencies, for the benefit of consumers.


Guarantee the consumer the genuineness of Tequila. To establish ourselves as the information and services center for the entire production chain and the World Reference Center in the knowledge of Agave and Tequila. Provide timely and accurate information to all stakeholders: Agave producers, Tequila manufacturers, input suppliers, authorities, etc. of the Agave-Tequila production chain.