Certification of Compliance by Producers with respect to  NMX -049-V-NORMEX Alcoholic beverages containing tequila-Designation, labeling which is currently in effect, is issued to the individual of corporation which activities include producing Alcoholic beverages containing tequila and which has the proper facilities to undertake said production. This certification is only for producers of :

  • Tequila liqueur
  • Liqueur containing Tequila
  • Tequila Crème
  • Crème containing Tequila
  • Tequila Cocktail
  • Cocktail containing Tequila
  • Tequila Based Alcoholic Beverages
  • Alcoholic Beverages Prepared with Tequila.

Users: Producers of Alcoholic beverages containing tequila.

Document issued: Product Compliance Certificate for any of the beverages mentioned above.

Document validity: 1 calendar year with automatic renewal (while in compliance with the conditions which allowed it to be issued).

Issuing Office: Av Patria No. 723  C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, México.

Business hours: 8:30 to 6:30 Monday to Friday

Response time: 5 business days 

Cost: No cost

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Technical Report on beverages containing tequila in accordance to NXM-V-049 classification.
Once the interested party has submitted the above document, the corresponding body shall issue the  NMX -049-V-NORMEX Compliance Certificate according to the product covered by the Technical Report

Technical Report for Beverages containing tequila

Certificates of compliance with NMX -049-V-NORMEX Alcoholic beverages containing tequila-Designation, labeling and specifications currently in effect shall be issued upon the request of the interested party (individuals or corporations), to obtain the certification of Tequila-based products or products made with Tequila solely for the classification established in such standard:

  • Tequila liqueur
  • Liqueur containing Tequila
  • Tequila Crème
  • Crème containing Tequila
  • Tequila Cocktail
  • Cocktail containing Tequila
  • Tequila Based Alcoholic Beverages
  • Alcoholic Beverages Prepared with Tequila.

Users: Prospective Producers of Alcoholic beverages containing Tequila.

Document to be issued: Technical Report

Document validity: Indefinite (While still in compliance of the conditions that allowed issuing such document).

Issuing Office: Av Patria No. 723  C.P. 45030, Jardines de Guadalupe, Zapopan, Jalisco, México.

Business hours: 8:30 to 6:30 Monday to Friday

Cost: See table

Questions: (33)1002-1908

Response time: indefinite depending on the time it takes to produce a lot which complies with the  NMX standard.


Parties interested in this document who are Authorized Producers in accordance with this NOM, must submit the following to the Certifying Body:

  • Verification and Certification Services Application MO-RB/02.
  • Report Questionnaires (download files).
  • Copy of the document establishing total possession of the facilities where production and bottling will take place, with a validity of at least one year.
  • Copy of the Brand Registration.
  • Set of labels for the product to be certified.
  • Parties interested in obtaining this document who are not Authorized Producers under the NOM,  must submit the following
  • documents to the Certifying Body in addition to the above:
  • Services Request Application and Client Obligations. MA2-FP/01.
  • Certified copy of the company´s articles of incorporation specifying the name of its chief officers and its legal representative, or for
  • individuals, their Federal Taxpayer’s Registration document.
  • Copy of the Federal Taxpayer’s Registration (RCF).
  • Copy of the Joint Responsiblity Agreement signed with an Authorized Producer, for products containing Tequila.
  • Copy of the IMPI’s authorization of the joint responsibility agreement.
  • Copy of the Bottlers’ Approval Certificate (CAE).