Tequila may be bottled in facilities different from an Authorized Producer. Bottler may only filter and dilute Tequila with potable, distilled o demineralized water to get Tequila commercial content within parameters allowed by NOM-006-SCFI-2012. Therefore, Tequila cannot be matured neither aged by a bottler.
Documents’ requirements:
• A simple copy of the Certificate of Bottlers Approval(CAE) issued by the Standards General Direction (DGN)
• Original of the Joint Responsibility Agreement (In bulk agreement form) held by the Authorized Producer and by Bottler and a simple copy of authorization for said agreement issued by IMPI.
• A simple copy of the Trademark Registry Title
• A labels set or a label Project.
As soon as this documentation is gathered, bottler may get the Registry Number from the Bottlers List in the Certification Body and shall be obligated to report, under quarterly basis, to the CRT Conformance Valuating Body all In and Out Tequila movements from plant, its initial and ending inventories during that period and its losses in accordance with Item 6.5.42, NOM-006-SCFI-2021 Alcoholic Beverages -Tequila Specifications.
Documents shall be submitted at the CRT Offices located in Ave. Patria 723, Col. Jardines de Guadalupe CP.45030, Zapopan Jalisco, México