
Carry out analysis, issuing reliable results to guarantee compliance with the specifications established by the current official regulations that apply to alcoholic beverages, drinking water.


  • Physicochemical analysis of drinking water in accordance with current NOM-127-SSA1
  • Analysis of metals in alcoholic beverages, food, water and raw materials.
  • Drinking water and alcoholic beverages are normally analyzed according to the Official Mexican Standards such as NOM-127-SSA1, NOM-142-SSA1, NOM-006-SCFI, NOM-070-SCFI, NOM-168-SCFI or according to Mexican standards such as NMX-V-001-NORMEX, NMX-V-002-NORMEX according to your needs; so, the following is suggested:


Drinking water
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1 pH a 25°C SMWW 22 th edition. 4500 H  $             100.00 MXN  $             120.00 MXN
1 y 2 True Color NOM-201-SSA1-2015  $             100.00 MXN  $             120.00 MXN
1 y 2 Turbidity NOM-201-SSA1-2015  $             100.00 MXN  $             120.00 MXN
1 Chlorides (like Cl - ) SMWW 22 th edition. 4500 Cl- B  $             100.00 MXN  $             120.00 MXN
1 Total Hardness (like CaCO3 ) SMWW 22 th edition. 2340 C  $             100.00 MXN  $             120.00 MXN
1 y 2 Fluoride (like F - ) NOM-201-SSA1-2015  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Nitrate (like N-NO3) NOM-201-SSA1-2015  $             100.00 MXN  $             120.00 MXN
1 y 2 Nitrites (like N-NO2) NOM-201-SSA1-2015  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 Total Dissolved Solids SMWW 22 th edition.  2540 C   $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Methylene Blue Active Substances NOM-201-SSA1-2015  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Sulphates (like SO4)  NMX-F-518-1992  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
     $          1,600.00  MXN  $          1,970.00 MXN
Metals and minerals in drinking water (NOM-127-SSA1)
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1 y 2  Arsenic NOM-117-SSA1-1994 Atomic Absorption Method  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Cadmium  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Copper  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
1 y 2 Iron  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
1 y 2 Mercury  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Lead  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Zinc  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
1 y 2 Aluminium NMX-AA-051-SCFI-2016 Atomic Absorption Method  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Barium  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
1 y 2 Chromium  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Manganese  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
1 y 2 Sodium  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
       $          2,000.00 MXN  $          2,500.00 MXN
Additional tests on drinking water
Notes Proof Method Members  Customers 
4 Calcium Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
4 Nickel  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
Metals and minerals on alcoholic beverages
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1 y 2 o
1 y 3
Arsenic NOM-117-SSA1-1994 Atomic Absorption Method (2)

NMX-V-050-NORMEX-2010 Atomic Absorption Method (3)
 $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 o
1 y 3
Copper  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
1 y 2 o
1 y 3
Lead  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 o
1 y 3
Zinc  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
1 y 2 o
1 y 3
Cadmium  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 o
1 y 3
Iron  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
1 y 2 o
1 y 3
Mercury  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 3 Calcium NMX-V-050-NORMEX-2010 Atomic Absorption Method  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
     $          1,440.00 MXN  $          1,800.00 MXN
Alcoholic Beverages (NOM-142-SSA1)
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
1 y 2 Arsenic NOM-117-SSA1-1994 Atomic Absorption Method  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
1 y 2 Lead  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
     $             400.00 MXN  $             500.00 MXN
Individual tests on other sample types
Notes Proof Method Members Customers
4 Nickel Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
4 Aluminum  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
4 Chromium  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
4 Barium  $             160.00 MXN  $             200.00 MXN
4 Manganese  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN
4 Sodium  $             200.00 MXN  $             250.00 MXN

Sample reception

  • The laboratory does not carry out sampling, but it can provide the material to carry out the sample. It is suggested to follow the recommendations for the taking, conservation and transfer of samples.
  • Non-perishable samples from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
  • Perishable samples from Monday to Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Delivery time in working days after the sample has been registered

Members and customers 10 days


  1. ETest accredited by the Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA-Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación) according to the letter with accreditation number No. A-0085- 006/11. Accredited as of 2011-06-03 with the NMX-EC-17025-IMNC-2018 standard (ISO/IEC 17025:2017).

  2. PTest authorized by the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS by its acronym in spanish) of the Ministry of Health (SSSecretaría de Salud). This Laboratory is an Authorized Third Party as a Testing Laboratory with authorization No. TA-20-21, effective from June 4, 2021 to June 4, 2023.

  3. Test approved by the Mexico's General Bureau of Standards (DGN-Dirección General de Normas), with Approval No. A-0085-006/11.

  4. PUnaccredited, unauthorized, unapproved test.