Internal Procedures
Article 23.- Quality. The CRT, in conducting its operations, shall follow the quality assurance guidelines contained in the CC Series Mexican Standards, as well as in the CRT’s Quality Manual and Quality Management Manual.
Article 24.- Audits. In order to ensure that CRT fulfills its objectives with respect to undertaking its duties with the proper impartiality, transparency and quality, it shall carry out internal audits under the terms established in the Internal Audit Procedure.
Article 25.- Appeals. Any and all CRT Clients may request a revision of all CRT decisions. To this end, both parties shall submit to the provisions contained in the Appeals Procedure.
Article 26.- Conflict of Interest. In order to avoid any doubt with respect to the CRT operations’ impartiality and to avoid any conflict of interest, all CRT contributors shall sign a Confidentiality Commitment Letter under the terms established in the Confidentiality Procedure, MA2-PF.
Article 27.- Control. The CRT shall engage an Internal Auditor or Commissioner who shall supervise the lawfulness of all affairs managed by the CRT.