Organizational Structure and  Supporting Bodies.

Article 12.- Organizational Structure. In order to carry out its duties, the CRT shall implement the organizational structure approved by the associates’ general assembly. The Organizational Structure shall be arranged by specific functions as described in the Quality Manual. 

Article 13.- Committees. The CRT, for the performance of its duties, in addition to its Employees, shall be supported by the following Committees:

a) Technical Certification Committee;

b) Technical Standards Committee;

c) Technical Inspection Committee;

d) Technical Agricultural Committee.

All of such Committees shall be governed by the Committees’ Operation Procedures. The CRT Board of Directors shall grant final approval with respect to the specific Operations Procedure for each Committee.

Article 14.- Employees. For the performance of its duties, the CRT shall engage staff with the proper technical and moral training.  All CRT Employee hiring shall be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Quality Manual and the General Manual.

Article 15.- Training. CRT employees shall take constant, adequate training in order to ensure the fulfillment of their objectives. Employee training shall take place as established in the provisions of the Training Procedure.

Article 16.- Written Records. CRT shall keep written records on the results of its activities and shall use and care for such information in a proper manner.  The guidelines contained in the Document and Information Control Procedures shall be followed at all times.